So its that time of year again. This year we decided to go get our christmas tree from the mountains at last minute. We only had three hours to go up into the mountains, find the perfect tree, and then get back to North Bend so i could be at work. It was a lot of fun. But it was really cold. This year though the snow was just a big ice block. So we were able to walk on top of the snow. But after searching for a while we found the perfect tree (which was the first tree we had looked out). It was a lot of fun but a rushed trip. But we had finally found the perfect tree.
Seince I had to work on Saturday night. We werent able to decorate the tree then. But on sunday night after chruch for Family Home Evening, we pulled out all our christmas decorations and decorated the tree, and our house for christmas. And now it feels like christmas here. Decorating the tree was a lot of fun. The night was full of fun, music, laughter, homemade eggnog, and Chrismas Decorations. It was a fun night.