Sunday, March 8, 2009

Snow Fun

It Started to Snow on Thrusday, and then Saturday we had a snow storm and we got about 2 1/2 inches of snow. So on Sunday after church Tyra and I went out to play in the snow and we wanted to make a snow man but instead we decided to make a snow bear becuase our snowman was to short. It's short but its cute, and we had fun making it. But we frooze making it though.
This is our snow bear:

Heres me and the SnowBear:

Heres Tyra and the SnowBear:

Trya and I together behind our Bear isn't it cute?
Giving our bear a little smooch!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Freak Weather

For the last couple of weeks, we have had really nice weather it has been sunny and it even started to get a little warm. Then this last week it started to rain a lot, which isn't unusual for Washington. But yesterday was different. Kayla and I woke up for Seminary and it was raining really hard. When we left Seminary it was hailing. By the time we got to the High School it was snowing. An hour later when i left the High School, it was still snowing only harder and it was sticking to the ground. I had to walk through an inch of slush to get to my car. The freeway was covered in slush also. By the time i got down to issaquah it was just raining and there was no snow. Then later that day around 11 it started to snow in Bellevue, but nothing stuck, And when i left Bellevue later that day around 3 pm, the clouds were going away, you could see blue sky and the sun was shinning. But when i got home, the clouds were back and in our front yard we had about 2 inches of snow. It was a crazy day for weather, and yesterday i choose to wear a skirt.